
The registration information and form can be downloaded from this link.


Swansea, Wales,

Saturday 12th May – Tuesday 15th May 2012

The form could be downloaded here 

Registration fees:

Members:    Early registration (before March 14th)               £400

                       Late registration (after March 14th)                 £425


Non-members: Early registration (before March 14th)          £550

                        Late registration (after March 14th)                 £585                


Accompanying persons:                                                            £150

(includes accommodation, meals, social events but does NOT include conference attendance)

Registration fee includes: Accommodation (3 nights), all meals, social events, conference attendance. 

Please return registration form to : Liz Irvine  or fax to 01792 513430

Refund policy: Full refunds can be obtained if cancellation is prior to March 14th  

Fees can be paid by:

Rolex Replica

1.       Invoice:

Please tick here if you would like an invoice which your institution can pay   ¨

2.       Bank transfer:

Reference: JBZ010 (Brophy)

IBAN No: GB64LOYD30954602783215

Sort code: 30-95-46

Account No: 02783215

Swift Code/BIC: LOYDGB21101

Bank address: PO Box 66, Swansea


3.       Cheque made payable to Swansea University.